For 10 -14 years old
Students participate in simulated trading sessions of an investment firm
Decisions are student-driven

Skills Developed
Problem Solving
Decision Making
Goal Setting
Plotting Graphs
Interpreting Trends
Calculating Return

While working as an investment team of six, students collaborate to set a financial goal, learn the basics of investment types, portfolio management, and financial planning as they engage in activities that reinforce math, social studies, language arts, and economic. Students will have the opportunity to act as the leader of their group. They will learn to think critically about investing as they understand the factors that contribute to a smart financial strategy.

Investment 101
Students will learn why people invest and discuss ways to invest responsibly. They will understand risk and risk- tolerance using real-life examples. They will learn and take on different roles in their company.

Economic Forecast and Market Trend
Students will learn to understand and record economic forecast and graph market trends. They will collect, organize and display data to help them to make trading decisions.

Basics Economics
Students will learn the role of money, the role of price in the market system, the concept of scarcity and how market exists from the interaction of buyers and sellers.

Giving Back
Students will learn how investments can be used as a way of giving back to the communities.
Learning Highlights

Mathematics and Data Analysis Skills
Students will learn to:
Collect, organize and display relevant data to answer questions
Understand and apply basic concept of probability
Learn how to plot a graph and find a trend from collected data
Interpret and present data and its implication

Planning, Problem Solving, Teamwork, Critical Thinking Skills
Students will learn to:
Work with a small team to decide collectively on goals and action plans
Set life goals, develop plans, invest their time, effort and money to achieve the goals
Respond to uncertainties and unexpected events
Analyze risks and take calculated risks
Accept lost and use the losing experience as a learning opportunity

Our Programs
Curriculum Developed In
Silicon Valley*
San Francisco
*Leading hub of startups and entrepreneurs
*Home to many of the world's largest technology companies including Apple, Cisco, Google, HP, Intel and Oracle

World No. 1 Entrepreneurship program
Since 1997, the programs have been delivered to
610,000 Students
100 + Countries

Recommended by
Schools and Teachers
Over 95% of school teachers* agree that the programs:
1. Connect academic content to real world
2. Develop students' leadership skills
3. Help students to learn to work together to solve problems
*Survey conducted to school teachers in US

Real life business cases and 20+ years of teaching experience

Project-based. Experiential Learning. Students form groups and complete tasks together.

Develop leadership, teamwork, problem - solving and critical thinking skills, entrepreneurship mindset and skills.

Trained and committed instructors. A diverse mix of qualified teachers and business professionals.